August 11, 2014

Diablo Brothers (Finland) - Twizted Harmony demo 1995


it's been a damn long time since I posted anything new. Sorry 'bout that. Here we go again!

Diablo Brothers? Who the hell were they? Well, this fine little piece of history is actually the debut demo of a band which later became a lot more known as Diablo. As Diablo they have done a bunch of albums and tours - including just for an example a European tour with Children of Bodom and Cannibal Corpse. But when this demo was released all that nice stuff was still in the future for the guys of Diablo Brothers. As you can see this is a sort of typical mid-Nineties demo tape with photocopied covers and all that crap, so nothing really special worth mentioning there. And it's the music that really matters anyway, right? Musically the band reminds me a lot of early 90's Pantera. There's certain similarities here, for sure. But then does it really matter? For a debut demo this is really good stuff and like I told you they were heading for bigger and better things within a few years after this tape got released. On this demo you get groovy riffs and heavy guitars and all that other nice mid-Nineties metal stuff that you probably liked back then. Or not. But that's the way things were back then. Basically if you like Pantera you will also like Diablo Brothers. So check out the four songs here. They're pretty long songs actually - three out of four of these songs are 6+ minutes long so it's not like this demo is full of instant pop tunes. Cool stuff. Thumbs up!

Diablo Brothers (Finland) - Twizted Harmony demo 1995

1. To the Other Side 4:11
2. Twizted Harmony 6:11
3. A Day of My Life 6:17
4. Recovered 6:28

Style: Heavy Metal/Groove Metal

Diablo Brothers (Finland) - Twizted Harmony demo 1995

1 comment:

  1. Moro!
    Olen tässä vanhetessa ruvennut keräilemään vanhoja kasetteja ja bändien demoja, ihan omaksi huvikseni ja fiilistelyn vuoksi. Tätä kyseistä olen etsinyt iät ja ajat ja kääntänyt kaikki kivet ja kannot jotta sen löytäisin.
    Olisin tästä hyviin kiinnostunut, ja kysynkin, olisitko valmis myymään tämän?
    Olen valmis maksamaan kyseisestä kasetista uuden levyn hinnan.
    Mikäli olisit kiinnostunut hieromaan kauppoja, ilmoittele vaikka tässä kommenttikentässä.
